Multicultural Club Meeting: Det er kvinder som mig, de kalder ofre: 19-6-2023
19.06.2023Multicultural member, Razan Haugaard will tell us about fleeing to Denmark as a 17-year-old with her husband and two small children 33 years ago and about settling and becoming strong and recognised in the Danish society. Three years ago, Razan’s life story was published in the book “Det er kvinder som mig, de kalder ofre” (“It’s women like me, they call victims”).
Look forward also to hearing Razan’s exciting experiences about the book’s significance for herself and for women in Denmark – and outside Denmark:
Det er kvinder som mig, de kalder ofre
Razan Haugaard, Lecturer, Coach, Consultant and Psychology Student
Monday 19 June 2023 at 18:00-20:00
Meeting room: “Store Claus”, 1 floor, Frivilligcenter Gentofte, Hellerupvej 24, Hellerup
Light meal, coffee and tea will be served from 17:30 in Hellerup
Online participation is possible by Teams: Register and get the link to the online meeting
Razan Haugaard has given many presentations in recent years about her own and others’ experiences of coming to Denmark as well as her ideas for and struggle for a better integration of refugees and immigrants in Denmark (
Razan sees it as life-affirming to deal with people and she works as a teacher and coach for people, especially women, who do not thrive in the Danish integration system. Razan says: “All these good things I have received from Denmark make me want to give something back to the society. When I make some women capable of working and give them the self-esteem and confidence to be part of the Danish society, then I have done what I have to do as a citizen of Denmark.”
News from the Multicultural Board
As the last part of the meeting, we will have news and wishes for a nice summer break from the Multicultural Board.
Registration for the meeting and light meal
Please send your registration for the meeting in Hellerup or the online meeting to Jane ( as soon as possible and before 17 June.
Guests are very welcome – please register before 17 June by sending an e-mail to
Cost of the meeting for guests in Hellerup is 90 DKK to Reg no.: 9570, Account: 12861931.
We are looking forward to seeing you!